Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Turn Your Head and Laugh

Zo was apparently in a very good mood tonight. While sitting on Miles' stomach, he was laughing hysterically when Miles would cough. "Why?" you ask? We have no idea.

He is already learning how to manipulate his parents. While we were at Sears last weekend he wanted out of his stroller. So what did he do? He started fake coughing. As soon as we got him out, he stopped. What a little stinker!


The Romneys said...

He is so dang cute. Babies grow too fast. :( He is going to be so much bigger by the time we get to see him again.

NanRomn said...

Adorable! When Jared was a baby, sitting in his stoller, Miles stood in front of him and said, "Machine gun! Pew, pew, pew!" while pretending to shoot up in the air. Jared when into hysterics laughing. It was so funny! Maybe someday we will figure out this talent Miles seems to possess, to make babies laugh.

Jen R. said...

EVerytime Zo would laugh Adelyn would laugh too. She didn't think the coughing was that funny though :)